Thursday, August 25, 2011

I am not an Environmentalist

My name is Noam Dolgin.  I am environmental educator, activist, organizer, advocate, campaigner, crusader, agitator, professional, and I aspire to someday play the role of envrio-guru. But I am not an environmentalist!

I do not ascribe to a ‘distinct doctrine’ known as environmentalism.  It is not my ‘belief’ that I exist due my relationship with the Earth, I know it to be true.  The fact is, each of us breaths eats and drinks from the Earth. We utilize Earth’s minerals, fossil fuels, and land in every moment.  Our carbon footprint, our waste, and the resources we extract from Earth are not beliefs, they are an unfortunate reality (Someone else once called them an ‘inconvenient truth’). Teaching people about nurturing and sustaining that relationship for the betterment of the planet and human kind is not an ideology, it is a necessity. 
Over the years I have explored and taught many isms:  Judaism, Humanism, Zionism, Socialism, Libertarianism, and more.  One of the challenges in my work as a Jewish environmental educator is to simultaneously separate and integrate the beliefs of Judaism with the facts of environmental responsibility.  Fortunately, more often than not, the belief system of Judaism and the facts of environmental responsibility go hand in hand. Judaism is a belief that I hope will lead me to morally right behavior. Environmental responsibility is the reality of our generation if we hope to pass on a planet similar to the one we inherited. 

This is not just a matter of definition. In the United States and around the world, the Right has effectively branded environmental responsibility, and, by extension science, as an ‘ism’, where it has been debated as a matter of ideology and relegated to far left politics.  As a result, scientific discourse often holds equal weight to religious discourse in political and policy discussions, leading to endless debate and inaction, where action is imminently needed. 

As religious leaders we must lead the charge in separating fact from belief. We must work to place science and environmental responsibility on a separate plane from religious beliefs. This starts in our daily work, where we must effectively teach science AND religion to our students.  We also need to go beyond our students.    We need to take our message to the streets to politicians and religious leaders.  Religion and science, fact and belief, data and isms; Each are separate and important, but should not be confused with one another.

I work daily to protect people and the planet from human caused environmental degradation and I ask you to join me.  Not as an environmentalist, as a human being.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


The 2nd in a series of poems about vegetable growing in my garden.  Enjoy!

I’m growing potatoes it’s ever so sweet
They grow underground and taste good to eat

They take up much space as the plant it abounds
You pile up dirt over the tubers in mounds

The plants grow wild, a darkish green color
Purple and white comes the small gentle flower

I am forced to choose between beauty and function
Do I remove the flowers at this early junction?

Doing so now would hurt the aesthetic
But might make the harvest less pathetic

If I am lucky the plants last a while
And potatoes abound throughout the pile

The plants that die early, I now eat their fruit
White, red and purple potatoes as loot

And while I assert these spuds hold great appeal
I quickly tire out potatoes at every meal

So to the potato in all incarnations
And to the people of all different nations

Who eat the potato, fried, baked or boiled
And to the farmer who has worked hard and toiled

To bring us our sustenance, carbohydrates and all
To hold us through winter, spring, summer and fall

With thanks to my soil, the sun and the rain
The cycle will continue and all start again

For the potato itself is a full seed
With everything a new potato might need

To start a new plant and give off new spuds
Which we will enjoy with (veggie) burgers and suds