Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What is Sustainable Real Estate

Many people ask me to explain my career, sustainable real estate. What is it and how is it different than any other real estate?

Sustainability consists of 3 elements; social, economic and environmental.  How we live and the homes we choose to inhabit can have a major impact on our lives and the lives of those around us.  When purchasing or designing real estate there is a lot more to consider than just the price and location, if you want your home to sustain you, your community and your planet for years to come.

In an ideal world, every buyer, seller and agent would be thinking about the values of sustainability in all their transactions, but we know they are not.  Having someone on your side who understands what a sustainable home is and how to find a home that matches your personal values, is a huge asset in making the most important purchase of your life.

Elements of sustainable real estate include
Many of these categories overlap. Fortunately, home purchasing is one of the categories where doing the right thing economically, socially and environmentally usual line up.

Proximity to entertainment, community resources, parks and playgrounds, community centres, religious institutions, communities of personal interest, etc.
Neighbourhood collaboration and cooperation
Shared space, shared responsibility

Cooperative purchase and/or development
Rental suites / mortgage helpers
Making a sound investment in a volatile economy
Using real estate, renters, etc. to create wealth

Proximity to amenities, shopping, entertainment, employment, parks, etc., ideally walking distance
Proximity to bike and transit routes
Rental suites / higher density living
Home energy efficiency
Green technologies such as heat pumps and heat reclamation, solar and on-demand hot water, etc.

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